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Cruella De Vil Disney Wiki. Cruella De Vil is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. Cruella De Vil. Inspiration. Cruella de Vil from the novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith. Honors and awards. American Film Institutes 3. Villain1. 6 in Empire Magazines The 5. Best Animated Movie Characters. Personality. Evil, sarcastic, ambitious, greedy, relentless, rude, reckless, psychotic, decadent, chic, egotistical, bipolar, selfish, short tempered, cruel, ruthless, sadistic, glamorous, obnoxious, insane. Appearance. Slender, skeletal, pale skin, red lips and fingernails, shoulder length hair that is black on the right side and white on the left, thick black eyebrows, green eyelids, green eyes. Occupation. Wealthy heiress. Enemies. Pongo, Perdita, Roger Radcliffe, Anita Radcliffe, Nanny, Dalmatian Puppies, Patch, Lucky, Rolly, Cadpig, Spot Chicken, Dipstick, Dottie, Lars, Jasper and Horace, Thunderbolt. Likes. Furs, smoking, money, spots, getting her way, fashion, attention, art. Fate. Once shes foiled and the puppies escape, Cruella faces time in prison for her crimes. QuoteAnita, darlingI live for fursHurricane Harvey, the Category 4 storm that barreled into southeastern Texas on Friday evening, has shut down approximately a quarter of US gas production in the Gulf. See Also Expanded History Stephen Strange was born to Eugene and Beverly Strange in November. Cruella De Vil is the main antagonist of Disneys 1961 animated feature film, One Hundred and. The team at Screencrush put together the below video that takes a scene from Raimis SpiderMan 2, and a similar scene from Webbs Amazing SpiderMan 2, and uses. Avengers 676 mark waid, al ewing jim zub w pepe larraz a cover by mark brooks connecting variant cover 2 of 4 by julian totino tedesco. WELCOME TO THE BALANCE OF POWER This is an anniversary release for Invasion of Skyrim Grand Admiral Thrawn. Invasion of Skyrim has gone through many, many growth. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Patch From 101' title='Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Patch From 101' />
I worship furs After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesntIll get even Just wait Youll be sorry, You fools You idiotsCruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil If she doesnt scare you, no evil thing willLyrics to the Cruella De Vil song. Cruella De Vil is the main antagonist of Disneys 1. One Hundred and One Dalmatians. She is a wealthy, fashion obsessed heiress who wishes to use the skins of 9. Dalmatian puppies for a fur coat. She first appeared in the novel, The Hundred and One Dalmatians 1. Dodie Smith. Perhaps the most famous incarnation of the character was developed for Disneys 1. One Hundred and One Dalmatians by story man Bill Peet and animator Marc Davis. The Disney villainess proved successful and has led to appearances in other media. Cruella is among the most critically acclaimed and popular Disney characters of all time and is held in a similar regard among cinematic villains, once being voted the 3. She is also one of Disneys single most iconic and memorable characters referred to in television shows such as The Simpsons, her name served as the inspiration for a fetish magazine, as well as a short lived Northern Irish post punk band. She remains a recognizable image in popular culture and is a primary member of the Disney Villains franchise. Background. Disneys first and most critically acclaimed version of this character appeared in One Hundred and One Dalmatians. This version of the character inherited several visual traits from the original Dodie Smith version her hair, which was black on one side and white on the other her black dress and her enormous mink coat, which swings about her like a cloak. This version of the character, designed by Bill Peet and Marc Davis, was also completely skeletal, and smoked constantly, leaving a trail of green, foul smelling cigarette smoke wherever she went. Her physical appearance and general manner was described as some sort of hellish beast or demon, a fact referenced in her name and in a song about her. Cruella, an old school friend of Anitas, claims that she cannot live without furs. She hires Horace and Jasper Badun, two incompetent crooks, to steal Pongo and Perditas 1. Dalmatian Puppies, and buys eighty four more through legitimate means. She intends to have all ninety nine puppies skinned and made into clothing. The Colonel, Sergeant Tibbs and Captain are among the animals of the countryside to help Pongo, Perdita and the puppies return home, while Cruella and the Baduns pursue them. Unlike previous Disney villainesses such as the Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, the Queen of Hearts, Aunt Sarah, and Maleficent, Cruella is not a schemer nor does she have any powers. Instead, she acts purely on impulse and is thus prone to reckless behavior, particularly tearing through the snowy landscape in her car. Unlike future versions of the character, this version of Cruella was seemingly invincible in the eyes of the Dalmatians, who, though they could just about be able to keep Jasper and Horace Badun at bay, were unable to face that devil woman. Their only hope was therefore to flee Cruellas defeat in the film is brought about not through the deeds of the animals but her own stubborn relentlessness which, by the end of the film, has seemingly degenerated into a mad fury, and the incompetence of her henchmen. Voice. Betty Lou Gerson, who had previously provided her voice as the narrator of the opening scenes of Cinderella, was inspired by Tallulah Bankhead when voicing Cruella De Vil. This is interesting as it is said that Dodie Smith originally conceived the character as an evil parody of Bankhead. When performing, Gerson was intimidating even to the other actresses working with her. She was the primary inspiration for Marc Davis when animating Cruella. Davis commented that the vocal performance suggested that this character was bigger than life, high in energy, and, like a shark, always moving. Design. The youthful Cruella De Vil concept art. Though Cruellas basic appearance, in particular her half black, half white hair, were established in Dodie Smiths original novel, the characters design in the film was developed by Bill Peet who described Cruella as a fiendish witch of a woman who made the story go, Ken Anderson and Marc Davis. In sketches exploring designs for Cruella, Marc Davis experimented with more youthful looking versions of the character. Adventureworkslt 2012. The juxtaposition of the enormous coat against the rail thin body was established in these early sketches. Davis exaggerated the size of the coat to match Cruellas larger than life personality, and added three big tails to its back to add a slightly ridiculous element the coats red clothing was intended to allude to the characters somewhat demonic nature and corresponding name. The disheveled style of Cruellas hair was inspired by hairdos seen in magazines between the 1. The long green cigarette holder was modeled on one used by Davis himself. Animation. Marc Davis, the sole animator of Cruella in all her scenes in 1. Dalmatians, was initially unsure that Cruella would suit the film, worrying that the character was too comic. Indeed, his colleagues criticized him as he worked Frank Thomas felt that the head was too skull like, while Milt Kahl demanded to know why Davis had to make her feet so damn big. In addition to the voice of Betty Lou Gerson, the animation was inspired by Tallulah Bankhead, Bette Davis in All About Eve and Rosalind Russel in Auntie Mame. Davis also worked from live action footage of character actress Mary Wickes. Wickes angular physique and sophisticated, smooth movements in this reference footage inspired Davis to incorporate these contrasting aspects in Cruellas animation. However, Davis used the footage sparingly. Davis wanted Cruella to move like someone you wouldnt like and thought of people who do not listen to any voice other than their own, and thus dominate a conversation or situation. He made specific reference in interview to one woman I knew who was just a monster. James Howlett Earth 6. Marvel Database. Gallery Aliases. Logan,2Weapon X,3, Weapon Chi,4Chi,4Patch,5Death,6Black Dragon,7 Agent Ten,8, Wolvie by Jubilee,9 Wolvy by Rogue,9 Wolver Mean by Iceman,9 Midget Maniac by Iceman,9, Patient Zero,citation needed Patient X,citation neededHand of God,1. Maiketh,1. 0 Mutate 9. Emilio Garra,1. 2Peter Richards,1. Phoenix,1. 4Dark Phoenix,1. Experiment X,1. 6Jim Logan,1. Jimmy,citation neededWeapon Ten,1. Runt,2 Soft James,citation neededFist of Legend,7Corporal Logan later Captain Logan,1. Claw Man,citation needed, Claw,2. Canucklehead,2. 1 Canada,1. Wildboy,2. 2 Little Uncle,2. Amazing Immortal Man,1. Wild Man,1. 8Iron Man,2. Revolto the Clown,2. Tenth Man,2. 6Captain Terror2. Relatives. Folkbern Logan ancestor, deceased unnamed paternal grandfather deceased unnamed paternal grandmother deceased Mr. Howlett step grandfather, deceased Thomas Logan father, deceased John Howlett, Sr. Elizabeth Howlett mother, deceased Elias Hudson maternal uncle, deceased Frederick Hudson maternal uncle, deceased Two unidentified aunts presumed deceased John Howlett, Jr. Dog Logan paternal half brother Itsu Akihiro wife, deceased Ophelia Sarkissian Viper ex wife Daken son Erista son William Downing Gunhawk son, deceased 2. Saw Fist son, deceased 2. Cannon Foot son, deceased 2. Shadowstalker daughter, deceased 2. Fire Knives daughter, deceased 2. Amiko Kobayashi foster daughter Frederick Hudson II maternal cousin Truett Hudson maternal first cousin once removed Victor Hudson maternal first cousin once removed James Hudson maternal first cousin once removed Heather Mc. Neil Hudson cousin once removed by marriage Claire Hudson cousin twice removed Laura Kinney X 2. Gabby Kinney, Bellona clones of Lauradaughters X2. PAR, Zelda, six unnamed clones clones of Lauradaughters, deceased Kouen teenage cloneson Avery Connor construct based on his DNA Shogun soul fragment Affiliation. Formerly X Men Jean Grey School member leader, Avengers Unity Division, Offers Squad, Avengers, Murder Circus brainwashed, Cyclops and Archangels X Force founding member, co leader with Archangel, New Avengers, X. S. E., Horsemen of Apocalypse, New Fantastic Four, Secret Defenders, Clan Yashida, Department H, FlightAlpha Flight, Department K, Knights of Wundagore, CIATeam X,2. Weapon X, Canadian Army Devils Brigade, 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, Logans Mutant Team, Mighty, Hudson Bay Company, Landau, Luckman Lake, S. H. I. E. L. D., Maximillian Ernesto Seville Circus, Mystiques Kansas City gang, Romulus organization Base Of Operations. Formerly Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York Avengers Mansion, Manhattan, New York City, New York Avengers Tower, Manhattan, New York City, New York Cavern X, Sedona, Arizona Utopia, San Francisco Bay, California Graymalkin Industries, San Francisco, California Angels Aerie, Rocky Mountains, Colorado Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California Bermuda Triangle Cootermans Creek, Australia Princess Bar, Madripoor Clan Yashida compound, Japan Department H Facility, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Weapon X Facility, Roanoke, Alberta, Canada Marital Status. Divorced widowed Occupation. Master samurai warrior, headmaster, adventurer, instructor formerly co owner of the Princess Bar, bartender, bouncer, spy for several agencies, C. I. A. operative, government operative, mercenary, criminal, soldier former captain in the Canadian armed forces, assigned to intelligence, sailor, miner, mechanic, leader Education. Privately tutored as a child, special militaryespionage training3. Weight. 19. 5 lbs 8. Adamantium skeleton 3. Adamantium skeleton. Unusual Features. Animal like canine teeth, two sets of three, foot long retractable bone claws stored in his forearms covered in adamantium, mutton chop sideburns, unique hairstyle, hirsute physique, and scar on the right of his face which extends from the cheek to the forehead and passes through the eye. Claws pop for the first time. Early Years. Wolverines life began in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada, sometime between 1. April. 3. 2 The mutant who would come to be known simply as Logan was born James Howlett, the illegitimate son of Elizabeth Howlett who was married to John Howlett, owner of a large estate and the Howletts grounds keeper, Thomas Logan. As a boy, James was notably frail and prone to bouts of allergic attacks. He was largely neglected by his mother, who had been institutionalized for a time following the death of her first son, John Jr., in 1. James was constantly under the pressure of his grandfather, Mr. Howlett, who believed that James required constant punishment by a strong hand, in order to be raised properly. Firm, but fair, was what Mr. Howlett said to justify his abusive actions. James spent most of his early years on the Howlett Estate grounds with two playmates that lived at the estate with him Rose OHara, a red headed Irish girl who was brought in from town to be a companion to young James, and a boy nicknamed Dog, Thomas Logans son and Jamess half brother. The children were close friends, but, as they reached adolescence, the abuse inflicted upon Dog warped his mind. Dog made unwanted advances towards Rose, which James reported to his father. In retaliation, Dog killed James puppy, leading to the expulsion of Thomas and Dog from the estate. Thomas, in a drunken stupor and armed with a shotgun, invaded the Howlett Estate with his son and attempted to take his former lover Elizabeth with him. John, Sr. attempted to stop him and Thomas shot him in the head, in cold blood. James had just entered the room when this occurred and his mutation finally manifested bone claws extended from the backs of his hands and he attacked the intruders with uncharacteristic ferocity, killing Thomas and scarring Dogs face with three claw marks. Already an emotionally disturbed woman since the death of her first son, Elizabeth, completely unhinged, drove James away and took her life immediately afterward with a blast from Thomas gun. Rose fled the estate with James in tow, hiding in a shed. James experienced his heightened senses for the first time telling Rose that he could smell apple dumplings. Dog falsely reported to the police and James grandfather that Rose had murdered John, Sr. Thomas. Rose led James to his grandfathers house, but Mr. Howlett simply ordered them to flee by train, with cold, cruel eyes, but still used his influence in town to help the pair escape, due to blood ties. Rose then fled the estate with James, who appeared to have been deeply traumatized and his healing factor had somehow driven the trauma from his memories, leaving him partially amnesiac. Logan leading a pack of wolvesLittle SmittyJames and Rose later found themselves in the Yukon Territories in Canada, taking refuge in a British Columbia stone quarry, under the guise of being cousins. James also assumed the name of Logan, in order to hide his identity.