Beer Strip Flash Game

Rendo Blowjob HolioU Crossing Cups Striptease Student Sex Orc Threesome Tifa BDSM LoK Black Forest Naughty Maid MatchABoob Violator Desire And Submission. Interactive LED Beer Pong Table 8. Steps with PicturesI have created a few basic functions to be used with the LED grid. Before we start making any animations, I will walk you through these functions so that you have a better understanding in regards to how they work. Beer Strip Flash Game' title='Beer Strip Flash Game' />Each basic function will only modify the LED data, it wont actually write it to the grid. When you want to write the modified data to grid, you need to call a grid update HT1. UPDATE 1. void LEDPixelUINT8 px, UINT8 py, UINT8 stateThis function takes an x,y coordinate and modifies the bit that the pixel represents. Font New Century Schoolbook here. If state is equal to 1, the bit that the pixel represents will be set to a 1, if state is equal to 0, the bit will be cleared to 0. Back in step 4. 5 in example 2, we had to modify the LED data to turn on Pixel1. If we were to use this function to turn on the LED at 1. LEDPixel1. 1,7,ON HT1. UPDATE 1 The reason that I dont update the pixel in the LEDPixelx,ystate function itself is because we may want to modify multiple pixels and have them all update at the same time. Such as this LEDPixel1. ON LEDPixel1. ON LEDPixel1. The Best Band You Zappa. ON LEDPixel1. Play free game Undress a Girl on Flashgame. Undress a Girl is a skill game on flashgame. You can. New adult porn games online free on mobile phone or PC without setup. Beer Strip Flash Game' title='Beer Strip Flash Game' />ON LEDPixel1. ON LEDPixel1. ON HT1. UPDATE 1 Even though we have called LEDPixelx,y,state six different times, the modified LED data will all be updated at the same time when the next timer. In case you were wondering, those pixels make up an L shape on the grid. DrawCircleUINT8 px, UINT8 py, UINT8 radiusThis function will modify the LED data and create a circle around the center point of px,py. The 3rd parameter will set the radius of the circle. Photo 2 shows an example for the following code DrawCircle1. HT1. 63. 2UPDATE 1 void DrawRectUINT8 px, UINT8 py, UINT8 sx, UINT8 syThis function is used to draw a rectangle starting at point px,py. The size of the rectangle is specified in pixels by sx and sy. Photo 3 shows an example of how the rectangle is drawn a square can also be created with this function. DrawRect5,2,8,6 HT1. UPDATE 1 void FillGridvoidThis function will set every bit in the LED data array to 1. Written by Administrator Thursday, 21 March 2013 Click on the picture to play. Click on read more to get a Walkthrough for Fantasy Beer. The Alcoholic trope as used in popular culture. WHERES MY BOURBON This person likes their liquor, and in large amounts. They may realize they have a. If the grid is updated after calling this then all of the LED pixels will turn on. FillGrid HT1. Beer Strip Flash GameUPDATE 1 void ClearGridvoidThis function will clear every bit in the LED data array to 0. If the grid is updated after calling this then all of the LED pixels will turn off. This function is useful when we want to draw a new frame on the LED grid, we can reset all of the old LEDdatax bits and start modifying the data knowing that each bit has been reset to 0 OFF. ClearGrid Clear out old dataWrite in new data here. Beer Strip Flash Game' title='Beer Strip Flash Game' />HT1. UPDATE 1 void DrawBorderUINT8 widthThis function will draw a border around the perimeter of the LED grid. The width of the border is set by the value passed into width. The maximum value for a border is 6 pixels 6 pixels 2 sides 1. COLs and the minimum value is 1 obviously. The example below is demonstrated in photo 4. DrawBorder2 HT1. UPDATE 1 void InvertGridvoidThis function will simply invert each of the LED data bits. If you run this function right before you set HT1. UPDATE equal to 1, it will display the exact opposite of what it was going to display before running this function. LEDs that were on will be off and the LEDs that were off will be on. Other code setting LED bits here. InvertGrid HT1. UPDATE 1 void HT1. SetPWMUINT8 valueThis function is in the HT1. Create Thumbnail From Pdf C on this page. C driver files and it can set the LED grid to 1. Photo 5 shows the duty cycles for each brightness and photo 6 shows the duty cycles of each brightness in a graph form. This function does NOT need a grid update after it is called as it writes directly into the HT1. C drivers and adjusts the brightness through PWM. If we wanted to set the LED grid to dim down to a 1. HT1. 63. 2SetPWM9 Thats the majority of the basic functions. Now that you know how to control the LED grid we can combine these functions together and use time delays to make some really cool effects.